We are looking for UK based female-identifying members to join director and facilitator Vicky Moran for her new womxns project as writers.
This project is about the variety of experiences for womxn who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, homelessness. Each week a group will meet online to develop individual autobiographical monologues, which will then be professionally filmed and shared online.
To take part, you must:
- Identify as female
- Have experience of homelessness in any of its multiple forms (including living in a hostel or temporary accommodation, street homelessness, sofa surfing, refugeedom)
- Be comfortable sharing your story
This is a paid professional job for womxn who want to develop as a writer or writer/performer. You will have the opportunity to work with a team including a Sound Designer, Film Maker & Dramaturg (specialist script developer).
You will need to be available:
Every Thursday from 03 Dec – 17 Dec between 2pm – 3pm
Every Thursday from 07 Jan – 21 Jan between 2pm – 3pm
You will be expected to do 1-2 hours of writing outside of the sessions.
You will be paid £50 for attendance at each session. This is a total of £300. This can be paid via direct debit or in vouchers of your choice.
Find out more
On Tuesday 10 November at 2pm Vicky Moran (the director and facilitator of the project) will be holding a question and answer discussion online to find out more about the project. Email womxnsproject@gmail.com to attend.
We can support with costs for internet/phone credit as well as any other access requirements – we don’t want there to be barriers to participating. Please let us know if you would like to discuss this support.
Please submit a short writing extract (this could be a monologue, poetry, script work – we are open to all written art forms) to womxnsproject@gmail.com by Monday 16 November. It can be something you have written before, or is completely new.
Please also write one line about your experience/risk of homelessness.
If you require support to submit your application please email womxnsproject@gmail.com
You will be informed by Monday 30 November of your participation in the programme. Once you commit to the project you will be sent an agreement to sign.