Terell’s Story
How did you find out about Cardboard Citizens?
Yeah so, how I found out; I actually I got an email from another organisation. Basically Citz was looking for artists to put a piece together and perform it at Guildhall. So I went and auditioned, but I actually didn’t know that Citz was a theatre company. I just thought – yeah this is a job, I’ll apply and see if I can do it – and I got in. After that was over, I found out more about what Citz does. I’ve always thought about doing something that was acting-based, whether that’s screen or theatre or whatever, I just hadn’t done anything yet. So yeah that’s how it started.
Why should someone join Citz?
I’ve had quite a few opportunities, just through being part of Citz. Not even necessarily coming here every week – there’s been times when I’ve disappeared for a few months or whatever – and when I’ve come back, it’s always accepting, like I haven’t left kinda thing. I’ve gone to see Little Simz because of Citz, I’ve done numerous shows because of them, theatre shows as well as music shows. I’ve met some good people. I’ve done Arts Awards and peer mentoring and there’s bare opportunities, bare opportunities. But yeah I think… I don’t know any other places that are like this, that work with homeless people and do the theatre and kind of bring it together, yeah.
What has been your favourite moment with Citz so far?
You know, it’s mad. My favourite was probably… it was probably that first thing I’ve done, with that Guildhall show, cause that was like, it was a totally new experience for me and I enjoyed, like… all-day intensive rehearsals, making original music. That whole thing, it was just mad enjoyable. Yeah, those were good times and those were fun times. I like coming here and getting involved and learning new things, really.
What support has Citz given you?
I feel like I can chat to Kiri about anything. I asked her about some counselling stuff, and then she said yeah I’ll look for you, when you come tomorrow, I’ll have the stuff. And I came in the next day and there was just like bare papers, bare different names and she gave me details of all of them, like this one specialises in this, and all that stuff.
I was a young ambassador for a while, a young mentor – as I’ve done Act Now for a while. We go do outreach sessions to try and help out other underprivileged kids; help them come and enjoy the facilities and come take advantage of the courses that Citz has. It’s good.