The eighth conversation in our What Now for the Theatre of the Oppressed series will be live on Cardboard Citizens’ Facebook and Youtube at 3pm BST / 2pm UTC on Friday 17 July 2020.
For the tenth conversation, we turn the tables and Adrian Jackson will speak about his use of Theatre of the Oppressed and answer audience questions. This session will be moderated by Matthew Xia, Artistic Director of Actors Touring Company and a Cardboard Citizens Board Member.
What Now For the Theatre of the Oppressed? Conversations with TO Practitioners will welcome leading global practitioners of Theatre of the Oppressed – Augusto Boal’s methods for combining theatre and activism – and ask them the place each practitioner sees their work and the methodology occupying in the new world we are in and in the future..
The conversations will be hosted by Adrian Jackson , Cardboard Citizens’ Artistic Director and translator of Augusto Boal’s work into English. The practitioners come from all over the globe – including India, Brazil, Senegal, and Israel – offering us fascinating insights into theatre’s role in responding to the crisis.
For theatre practitioners, students, and those interested in using the arts for social change, these conversations will open new, exciting and vital connections between the performing arts and a recovering world.
The series will continue at 2pm BST / 1pm UTC on following Fridays. Watch our social media for more information about upcoming conversations, and subscribe to YouTube or Facebook to hear when we go live.