Workshops are open to female and non-binary members and are trans inclusive. Open to all ages. Priority given to those who haven’t engaged online with Citz.
Please note bookings for this course are now closed.
The workshops form part of Effie Makepeace’s PHD research project also happening with groups of women in Malawi and India. These groups are each looking at power – what it is, and how we experience it in our lives. Using Theatre of the Oppressed and other methods, we will explore visible and invisible power, who has it and how do they get it, and what, if anything can we do to shift it? The workshops will combine active, physical exercises with discussion, storytelling and reflection. Workshops will be co-facilitated by Felistas Kamlonie, who is an actor and facilitator from Malawi. We are hopeful the workshops will be joined by a visual notetaker, with each participant receiving an illustrated impression of each workshop they take part in.
Members who take part will be required to attend an introductory session where the project and any commitment will be explained in more detail. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part you will be given an information sheet to keep and be asked to sign a consent form. If you decide to take part you are still free to withdraw at any time.
The project will run for six weeks after the introductory session on Tues 22 September.
In January 2021 we plan to run a second group which will be attended by Citz Members as well as a few new Members recruited through partner Women’s services. If you would like to be considered for the January group instead please contact Bonny on /07421 383 770.
Dates and Times
Tuesdays between 1.30pm – 3pm
22-Sept (1.30pm – 2.30pm) Introductory Workshop
29 Sep
06 Oct
13 Oct
20 Oct
27 Oct
03 Nov
All workshops will take place via Zoom.
Felistas Kamlonie
Felistas is an actor and facilitator from Malawi. She is a member of the Khamalathu Arts women’s theatre group which is working together with Effie on the Phd research project. Felistas also works with Nkhokwe Arts, a theatre group of ex-prisoners as well as facilitating workshops with sex workers, young women and women in prison. She has just returned to Malawi after six months in Germany where she was due to act in King Ubu at Theater Konstanz (adapted to a radio play after lockdown).
Effie Makepeace
Effie Makepeace is a community theatre practitioner, artist and ex-Cardboard Citz staff member! She is now doing her PhD at the University of Sussex. Effie has been delivering theatre workshops with communities for 12 years living and working extensively in UK, Malawi and India. Her work is collaborative and accessible, playful and reflective. Her most recent project outside of the PhD was leading a National Geographic expedition up Mulanje Mountain in Malawi, together with a theatre group of ex-prisoners. The team devised a play about the deforestation of the mountain, directed by Effie and Mphundu Mjumira which toured villages and cities across the country.