Discover the history of the Cardboard City encampment in the Bullring, now buried under the IMAX cinema. With insight from journalist Samir Jeraj and Cardboard Citizens Artistic Director Adrian Jackson.
The lecture will go live on Thursday 22nd October 2020 at 12pm on the Morley College YouTube channel.
Samir Jeraj is a journalist at the New Statesman and an author with an interest in housing and homelessness. You can find him on www.samirjeraj.com.
Waterloo Festival is an annual arts, community and heritage celebration in and around Waterloo.
St John’s Waterloo is a well-known music and arts venue on the South Bank fringe. We host a year-round programme of live events by performers from all over the world and we bring artists and arts organisations together with local people to co-produce projects that reflect the diverse communities around us.