This event is for Cardboard Citizens Members only.
Participants, led by Adrian Jackson, will experiment to find out what games and improvisation exercises can work in the context of an online Zoom call.
No experience is required, beyond a willingness to experiment and try stuff (which may not work!)
We will play a few games and try and create some basic improvisation techniques which work online. The hope is that participants will come away with ideas about how improvisation works and how it relates to our daily lives.
You Will Need:
- A phone, laptop or tablet with camera and sound
- Access to the internet as the workshop will take place on ZOOM, an online digital platform.
The first 3 weeks will be drop in (but you must sign-up in advance). We will be encouraging different members to attend the first three sessions to allow more members to engage in online activity.
After the 3rd week if you have enjoyed the Improv workshop you will need to confirm if you would like to continue and can commit to the final three workshops (27 May, 3 June and 10 June). Each workshop will be capped at 14 participants and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.
All workshops run from 2.45 to 4.15pm. Dates of all 6 workshops:
- Wed 29 April – drop in, sign up in advance (session fully booked)
- Wed 6 May – drop in sign up in advance (sign up by Fri 1 May, 2pm)
- Wed 13 May – drop in, sign up in advance (sign up by Thur 7 May, 2pm)
- Wed 27 May – closed focus group
- Wed 3 June – closed focus group
- Wed 10 June – closed focus group
Signing up:
If you’d like to sign up, contact Bonny by email (Bonny@cardboardcitizens.org.uk) or phone 07421 383 770.
Deadline for signing up for the first session is this Friday 24 April, 2pm.
Small Print:
In order to take part in the above sessions you will also need to agree to:
- Cardboard Citizens Code of Conduct for working Online
- Cardboard Citizens GDPR Zoom Policy
- Complete a Media Release Form.
These documents will be shared with you once you sign up.