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Terry was an integral and much-loved part of the Citz team for over 20 years. We met her as a participant in a workshop in the hostel where she lived at the time in Hackney, and she became our Associate Director. She resigned from her role in 2022, but was still doing the odd workshop with us.

Below, we share some tributes and images dedicated to the memories shared with Terry over the years.

I worked with Cardboard Cits. from near the time of its inception and watched Terry becoming more and more confident in taking part - eventually becoming a forceful, natural leader of every sort of Cits. activity and enterprise.   Strong, firm, but never boastful was her leadership style.   A great person... missed by everyone with the success of Cits. as an aim and an ideal. - Robert G

Terry was an absolute diamond of a human. I didn't know her well but, whenever our paths crossed, I felt a raw honesty and a genuine lack of any bullshit (or tolerance of it!), which I greatly appreciated! She was definitely the kind of human I'd want to hang out with more, had we lived closer. I used to work and volunteer with With One Voice/Arts Homelessness International and the Greater Manchester Homelessness networks, after being homeless myself for a couple years... strangely with a similar story to Terry as I now read from the linked article. - Feesable

I'm Sandy Davidson and now a fairly accomplished Boal-ian practitioner who has trained extensively in the tradition mostly with Cardboard Citz. However, Terry was my first contact with Cardboard after I'd been attending art workshops at Crisis skylight. Some of the others kept encouraging me to go to the C Citz drama workshops but I kept saying no, as I was suffering with serious mental health issues and it seemed the last thing to do.  Eventually they wore me down and I went to 'preparing for auditions' workshop which Terry was overseeing.  It was a disaster for me personally, that first time, as I just stood for 1 minute unable to speak.  But it triggered something in me and I went the following week and just blurted out some stuff and the whole room was silent for a long time, so I guess I made an impact. From there I started attending the C Citz Boal sessions and was bitten by the bug.  I did a week's Theatre of the Oppressed at St Mungo's run by Terry and have gone on to lots of stuff I'd never imagine doing since then, including making a film that has been shown at international film festivals and even had a lead role in a hit (though short lived) musical but it all started with Cardboard Citz and Terry who I kind of felt a strong affinity to. I loved teasing her and seeing that slanted look out of the side of her eyes as she tried to decide whether I was being serious or not. And she was always so encouraging and warm hearted in our interactions but always with that  hint of mischievous impishness glinting way at the back of her eyes. One of the greatest things I learned from Terry was that numbers dont matter.  I attended a few workshops with Terry and only 3 or 4 turned up and you'd think "ah, this int goin' t' much cop' but lo and behold the session would fly by and you'd thinking 'ah nah, that went quick!'  I would guess I'm not alone in thinking 'ah, I would really have liked a deeper heart to heart with her but now it's too late.'  Beautiful lady - Sandy Davidson

She was a very special woman and I remember her very well from when she first joined you. Back then I was having a career break from being a Paramedic, and was a manager in Homeless provision in Leicester City. I had been looking for something to help me change the ingrained issues of the night shelter and add a humanity to it. I obtained the funding for you to bring Going Going Gone to be played in your amazing way in the lounge in the night shelter. You all changed the lives of a considerable amount of people with the show, and then followed up again and provided workshops in the city for me. Amazing times, amazing memories and amazing people one and all. - Tony Dunnil

With tears in my eyes I remember Terry as a Joker AND cast member in “Led easy” performed at the WorldForumTheatreFestival in 2009 in Innsbruck (Austria). This was a few months after Augusto passed away. She was brilliant. I loved her energy, her sense of humor, her presence and always wanted to meet her again. Sadly not in this life. Farewell. - Armin Staffler (spectACT - Association for socio-political theatre)

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