For the past six weeks Citz Associate Director Terry O’Leary and Member Ambassador Eric have been creatively engaging a group of participants from the 3 Crisis Skylight centres in London (Brent, Croydon and Aldgate).
The group has met each week over Zoom since early November to share stories and traditions to welcome in Winter. We have been experimenting with story-telling techniques, improvisation, film and song to share our stories from across the globe.
Over time the group have submitted art work and film as well as sharing songs and stories.
The final performance involved the group individually inviting us to their countries and culture with promise of food and song. We were taken to the North Pole Italy, Russia and heard a song about the Winter Teddy. A monologue from The Tempest, invite to a cosy film night and a small improv.
Hopefully we will all meet up after Christmas to welcome our new members to Cardboard Citizens.
A selection of contributions from participants can be seen below. Enjoy!