Beyonce’s Story
How did you find out about Cardboard Citizens?
I found out about Cardboard Citizens through my dad, who was part of Cardboard Citizens, then he told me about Act Now (Cardboard Citizens for 16-25 year old’s).
Why should someone join Citz?
I think someone should join Cardboard Citizens because it‘s a very inclusive place, where there’s always support if you need it and you have access to different courses and opportunities, that can just really further and develop yourself.
What has been your favourite moment with Citz so far?
There’s quite a few! But I think if I had to narrow it down, I think being on tour is definitely one of the best things. One recently was the Stressing My Identity Tour and the Forum Theatre aspect of it – it is always quite fun to do. I think the whole devising process of it, and just seeing what it’s like in an actor’s environment.
What support has Citz given you?
Cardboard Citizens has given me support with acting and mental support if I need it, and helping with educational things, whether that’s needing to come in to do work or just if I have questions.